Monday, January 31, 2011

127 Hours

2 years back when Danny Boyle’s Slumdog Millionaire came out in India most of my B-school friends & colleagues, like the Americans & audiences world over, were all gung ho about the movie and recommending it to everyone. However, for some reason I found it to be a good movie but never deserving of all those Oscars (I did have my roommate who shared similar views, if I remember correctly) and the less I say about the performances of the lead pair the betterJ.

So when I went to see 127 Hours, which like Danny Boyle’s last release had got rave reviews and already nominated for the Oscars in various categories, I had my share of doubts. The movie, inspired/based on a real life incident, stars James Franco who I think is one of the best upcoming actors in recent times and this movie would certainly be a landmark in his career (I may sound like an old seasoned actor here… but I am not trying to beJ).  Music is by AR Rahman, and again like the movie I found it to be better than Slumdog Millionaire’s background score, reason could be the same – I probably just didn’t find Slumdog.. live up to its expectation & hype that was generated. The music score was fresh and gelled extremely well with the stunning visuals of the Canyon in Utah, US.

The movie starts with Franco (Aron Ralston) starting on his solo trekking adventure in Blue John Canyon in Utah without informing anyone of where he is heading on Friday night. During the trip his chance meeting with 2 girls in the canyon leads to one of the best scenes in the movie – the drop in the underground water cave. It’s simply breathtaking and gives a great impression of things to come in terms of visuals. After bidding goodbye to the 2 ladies, he resumes his solo adventure and while exploring one of the ‘cracks’ in the earth gets his hand trapped in a boulder. The next 70minutes show how Aron spends his 127hours stuck in that fissure and this is where the talent of James Franco & Danny Boyle is at full display & at their best.

Just imagine an actor being told that you would be the only person on screen for a one full hour and that too at just one place, no movement of your feet, not even a step; no lush locales, no beautiful women around, no sad-depressing songs, no English styles curtains/mansions (Mr. Bhansali), just nothing. I think it would elicit 2 extreme reactions from the actor, either he would want one of the above things included or he would be simply fired up and raring to go. That James Franco has given an Oscar worthy performance is obvious in the moment he gets trapped. But the highlight of his performance is the scene where he creates an interview like situation and enacts the part of the host, himself & a caller. Its truly hilarious and you end up laughing your heart out even in such a tense situation and the next moment you are again overcome by the protagonist’s position.

Adding to this is the fact that it’s based on a true story which brings in the ‘realism’ to the cinema and the direction of Danny Boyle is top notch. The method with which he has combined the real with the hallucinations that Aron goes through is just marvelous and truly shows how brilliant he is. As an audience it becomes so much easier to understand the suffering that Aron's going through stuck in that place for 127 hours without food & eventually water and how he tries his best to survive knowing fully well that there is minimal hope.

The climax some may find to be a little gross but again that was the reality and it had to be shown; it is something you would have expected/known but it still makes you uncomfortable in your seat. The ending is also well shot & directed and you do get to see the real Aron alive & kicking.

And yes, it’s a must watch for all the adventure/trek freaks, specially one of my dearest friends who goes on adventure trips all over the country all ALONE…!! Dude- even Aron doesn’t do it anymoreJ. Also, some of the really faint hearted may not like the climax as I realized today after discussing with a friend.

PS – please don’t make the mistake of buying popcorns in the interval that I did. It was extremely difficult to munch on them quietly due to first, the silence & later the scenes in the movieL. Sorry to friends who came to see it with meL.

My Rating - 9/10
(Script - 8/10; Direction – 9.5/10; Performance – 9.5/10; Entertainment - 9/10; Music – 9/10)

Starring: James Franco (Spiderman Series, Milk, etc) & others…
Director: Danny Boyle (Slumdog Millionaire, Trainspotting, The Beach, etc)
Producer: Danny Boyle & Others
Writer: Danny Boyle, Simon Beaufoy, Aron Ralston (based on his book)
Music: A.R. Rahman

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Yamla Pagla Deewana

Yamla Pagla Deewana, YPD, marks the return of the 3 Deols – Papa Dharam & betas Sunny te Bobby. Unlike their last outing together Apne which was a family drama with all the emotions & formula to play with the audience sentiments, YPD is the exact opposite. It's a movie that is tailor made for the Deols and thrives on their chemistry which is crackling.

The opening credits set the tone for the movie and clearly showcase the genre – masala comedy & set the expectation – take on 70s/80s lost & found movies. Despite using the credits so well to build the foundation, somehow the movie seems to run out of steam by the time interval comes. The movie starts with Sunny, who stays with his mother, Canadian wife & 2 kids in Vancouver, searching for his dad (Dharam) on the internet. After a couple of scenes and quick background provided by the mother, he flies down to Benares to find his long lost Father & Brother (Bobby), small time cons who cheat people of their money and get drunk after dancing around with some blonde chicks in local Benaras bars!

Once in Benaras, Sunny gets conned by his own brother but quickly finds his father who refuses to accept/acknowledge him as his son. However, Sunny does manage to convince Bobby to include him in their con-team after saving their life a couple of times from the people they cheated. In the meantime Bobby falls in love with a photographer, Kulraj Randhawa (Sahiba), who turns out to be a Punjaabann with about 5 or more brothers who take her back to Patiala to get her married to an/any NRI. Dharmendra convinces Sunny to help his brother but asks him to promise not to tell Bobby about his mother.

By this time, you start to think if this is it!?? Is this what the hype was all about…! That's the laugh riot they promised?! Another case of skyhigh expectations going bust!?!

But post-interval it's a different story altogether, quite like other Samir Karnik movies though with a twist. While all his other movies (like Kyun Hogaya na…, Heroes) sank during the second half after a promising first half, YPD just takes off post interval and flies high till the end. It's a complete laugh riot with not only the 3 Deols showcasing their comic timing and not their fists, but also the support cast delivering rib-tickling performances led by Mukul Dev, Anupam Kher & Sucheta Khanna who plays Kulraj's cousin.

The second half begins with Sunny & Bobby going to Patiala to meet Sahiba & his brothers (Anupam, Mukul & Co.) and discuss marriage. However, one situation after another leads to total confusion and chaos but at no time does the movie go out of control. All characters are well defined and surprisingly the pick of the lot for me (in second half) is Mukul Dev who is just phenomenal as Sahiba's brother Billa. In fact, initially I didn't recognize him as the look & acting was just the perfect fit for the character.

Performance wise, all the 3 Deols deliver sincere, audience winning performances and fit the bill perfectly. Papa Dharam is loveable though a little underused in the second half. Bobby tries extremely hard in the 1st half but is let down by some repetitive dialogues, however he does makes up for that post interval. Sunny once again shows that he can be as effective in comic roles as he is in action ones and clearly is the strength of the movie. Kulraj Randhawa looks beautiful and does a great job at whatever she is given to perform. Anupam Kher is his usual consistent self; while Mukul Dev & Sucheta Khanna for me are the show stealers.

The highlights of the movie are the sequences which have jokes on the Deols' themselves, the climax with Sunny doing his roaring act and the title song which has Dharamendra, Sunny & Bobby doing their signature dance steps. It really pushes you to leave the seat and join them.

In all, a movie that is a must watch especially if you are a fan of any of the 3 Deols though a little editing in the first half would definitely make it a grander Celebration!

My Rating - 7/10
(Script - 3/5; Direction - 3/10; Performance - 4/10; Entertainment - 3.5/10)

Starring: Dharmendra, Sunny Deol, Bobby Deol, Kulraj Randhawa, Anupam Kher, Mukul Dev
Director: Samir Karnik (Kyun ho gaya na..., Heroes, Nanhe Jaisalmer)
Producer: Sameer Karnik + Nitin Manmohan (Dus, Tango Charlie, Anjali, Baaghi, Bol Radha Bol, etc)
Writer: Jasvinder Singh Bath (Debut)
Music Director: Many

Saturday, January 8, 2011

2k11-1st Movie..1st Review - NOKJ

First thing first about the first movie of the year, it’s not a path breaking or a thrilling movie that I expected it to be. However, it does stand tall among the recent spate of below average products that have been delivered at the box office. The movie is based on the true story of Jessica Lal murder case with an added dose of fiction.

 The expectation were obviously high with the ‘high profile’ case as the subject, 'Aamir' director at the helm, 2 of the better 'act'resses of hindi cinema as the leads and then some awesome music score by the versatile Amit Trivedi. 
The movie starts with Vidya Balan as Sabrina Lall, sister of Jessica, waking up to the news of Jessica being shot at a party on refusing to serve  drink to Manish aka Monu. The actual murder is shown in intermittent flashbacks that play an integral role in developing the character of both Sabrina & Jessica to some extent.
There is a parallel track showing Rani Mukherjee as the feisty, over the top NDTV journalist who swears at any & everyone for any reason & every opportunity …some way to portray a strong woman! This track starts with Rani (as Meera) returning to Delhi after covering the Kargil war story and being offered the Jessica Lall murder story but she chooses to reject it as she thinks it’s an open & shut case with no masala. 
The two tracks intersect and take the story forward post interval and that is when the movie picks up pace after a slow first half. The second half shows how Meera fights & starts a series of sting operations to show how several witness became hostile. There is also the RDB inspired candle lit march at India Gate and the inspiration source is also credited in the movie; but somehow you never feel the goosebumps as you did watching Rang De Basanti though one may argue that this is based on a true story and so the scope for melodrama maybe less, but I believe that the director Rajkumar Gupta could have certainly added some fiction here to create that energy rather than putting all the efforts in the foulmouthed character of Rani to portray the strong minded Indian women.

In terms of performance, I think Vidya Balan steals the show right under Rani's nose, though she also does a good job despite the undimensional character she portrays. The police officer played by Rajesh Sharma is my pick of the supporting cast. Myra who plays Jessica looks fresh. The father & mother of Jessica Lall are mere caricatures. Rajkumar Gupta could certainly have added more excitement in the script and made it as thrilling as his debut ‘Aamir’ but nevertheless deserves praise for handling such a publicized & sensitive topic with sincerity. The best thing about the movie I think is the music & background score by Amit Trivedi...certainly provides a new dimension to the film which could easily have become dull & boring if not for the electric soundtrack.

In the end, a movie that is certainly watchable and will definitely strike a chord with the audience due to the ‘relatability’ factor.